The Legal Scoop

The price of hiring an Attorney who is “Bad Ass” to Win your case!

You can get it right the first time by investing in an Attorney who is ‘bad ass’ to fight for what’s most important to...

What you should know if you want to move (or the other parent wants to move) out of state with the children

Things get complicated when the custodial parent wants to move out of state with the children or when the non-custodial parent does not want...

Can A Husband Ask For Alimony from His Wife?

Traditionally in divorces we see the wife requesting that the husband pays her alimony. But what if the wife has always been the breadwinner...

13 Reasons You Can Get A Divorce

If you want to file for a divorce but you are not sure whether your reasons for wanting a divorce are enough, here are...
Child Custody

The difference between an Uncontested Divorce v. Contested Divorce

An uncontested divorce means that both spouses have reached an agreement on ALL the issues even down to who gets the couch and who...
Anene Farrey & Associates

Meet Your Future Legal Team

Anene Farrey & Associates, LLC The Legal Scoop for Fathers Learn more about the legal team at Anene Farrey & Associates including what makes...
Father Rights

What Unmarried Fathers Need to Know About Custody!

The Legal Scoop for Fathers If you are a Father fighting for parental rights of your children in Georgia, this sincere message is solely...
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